Use quotation marks to keep your keywords side-by-side as an exact phrase: for example, "group dynamics"
Use the asterisk (*) as a wild card to give you the same stem with any ending. For example, collaborat** will give you the words collaborate, collaboration, collaborative and any other word that has the root collaborat.
Use parentheses to nest, or combine similar keywords with the connectors OR, AND, NOT, for example, (doping or drug* or steroid*) and (sports or athlet*)
When you have background on a topic, the next step is to investigate it in more detail in books and periodicals.
The library has traditional print books as well as ebooks that you can read anywhere at any time (and many you can download).
Ebooks and databases are free to registered students when you log in with your W# and eservices password.
Ebooks on social sciences, information technology, the humanities, business, economics, and more.