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ENGWR 300 (Spangler)

ENGWR 300 (Spangler)

Web sites

Helpful Web Sites for Finding Topics

Evaluating Web Sites

Google Advanced Search

With Google Advanced Search you can easily use tools such as domain limiters (edu, gov, org). You can also type in an advanced search directly into the Google search box, for example "home health care" site:gov. 


Google Search Statement

Results (3/10/20)

Search Strategies

residential segregation

   19.6 million!

Default Boolean AND search (it looks at the word residential AND the word segregation).

"residential segregation"


It looks at the words as an exact phrase

intitle:"residential segregation"


The phrase must be in the title.

intitle:"residential segregation" inurl:npr


"residential segregation" would be in the title and the site (URL) will be NPR

intitle:"residential segregation"


Site must be an educational institution.

intitle:"residential segregation" income


The word income is added to the previous search.

"residential segregation" filetype:pdf


Site must be a pdf from an educational institution. You might also try something like filetype:ppt