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ENGWR 300 (Gary)

ENGWR 300 (Gary)


Searching for Books and ebooks

Go to the library home page and do your search  When the results come up, look to the left and you will see "Show Only." If you are looking for a physical copy of a book, select "Books and Videos in the Library."  If you are fine with either physical copies or ebooks, look under "Resource Type" and choose Books.

Think of your keywords. First you will  want to use your main topic, inequality. You could even try your search with equality. You will then want to add other keywords for a more focused search. For purposes of this assignment, add education or wages or voting, whatever it is you have decided to research.  

As an example, try a search in OneSearch on equality AND housing. I got 8,793 results.  Now try inequality AND housing.  I get 12,576 results.  If you were searching Google, it would look at one of those words and consider the other, too.  Our databases are more specific.  It is looking for only those words you use that appear in the result record. It is not searching full-text (except if you are in our ebook collection). Most of those results will probably show up in both searches, but there are about 4,000 more that only use the word inequality. Try different searches.

On the next page you can watch a one-minute video on using OneSearch.


Even more ebooks

You will have access to even more ebooks through the Ebsco eBook collection.  You will find a link to this database on the next page.  When you search the library catalog (books, ebooks) you are only searching those fields that are part of the record.  Ebsco eBooks, however, allows you the opportunity to search within the full-text of a book.