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ENGWR 300 (Gary)

ENGWR 300 (Gary)

Suggested Websites

Sample websites helpful to your topic

Google Advanced Search

With Google Advanced Search you can easily use tools such as domain limiters (edu, gov, org). You can also type in an advanced search directly into the Google search box. Here are some sample searches. Please copy/paste the sample search statements to see the kinds of results you will get and how they differ. Your total results will probably differ depending on when you do the search. You can also click on the Google Advanced Search (above) and do the same kind of restrictions. I find it much easier to just string all the terms together.  It just takes practice!

Sample Searches on Social Inequality

 Google Search statement                          Results 3/22/2021                                           Search Strategy 

social inequality

        193 million!

Default Boolean AND search (it looks at the word social AND the word inequality).

"social inequality"

        4.2 million

Searches the exact phrase "social inequality".

"social inequality" poverty

        2.8 million    

The word poverty is added to the search

"social inequality" poverty inurl:npr


The site must be National Public Radio (

"social inequality"  poverty site:edu


Site must be from an educational institution.

intitle:"social inequality"  poverty site:edu


Now "social equality" will appear in the title of each result.

"social inequality" site:edu filetype:pdf


Site must be a pdf presentation from an educational institution. You might also try something like filetype:ppt for PowerPoint.

"social inequality" voting 2015..2020


Using two periods, will look for a date or any form of the numbers represented within a range.