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ENGWR 300 (Borders)

ENGWR 300 (Borders)


Research Project

Assert a debatable claim, using academic research to back up your argument.

Keep in mind that:

  • Your professor does not have to agree with you. All that matters is that you can support your claim well, using academic research.
  • This will be our biggest paper, roughly 6-8 pages long
  • You need to use at least 5 academic sources (at least 2 peer reviewed journals, a book, and an online source). 
  • This paper will require using and citing academic research.
  • Must use MLA format.

Timeline: Research Project

  • Week 10--Proposal Due (next week)
  • Week 11--Annotated Bibliography Rough Draft Due
  • Week 12--Annotated Bibliography Final Draft Due (cannot be revised, so actually really really final draft)
  • Week 13--Research Paper Rough Draft Due
  • Week 14--Research Paper "Final" Draft Due
  • Week 15--Presentations Begin,  Final deadline for any Revisions/ Extra Credit/ Make up Work

Choosing a Topic

  • Choose a topic that is interesting to you. It may seem obvious, but this will make the research process more fun and engaging for you.
  • Consider the scope of your topic. If your topic is too broad it may be hard to find information that is focused and relevant; if your topic is too narrow it may be hard to find any information at all.
  • Examples of topics that are too broad, too narrow, and ideal. "Food safety" is too broad, and "impact of government regulation in the United States on food safety" is better
  • Explore possible topics: databases, Google, etc. 
  • Example: Click on Opposing Viewpoints in Context (see below). Then scroll down to "browse issues" for some ideas.