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ENGWR 300 (Jacobsen)

ENGWR 300 (Jacobsen)


Finding Articles Through OneSearch

To locate articles through the Sacramento City College Library:

1. Go to the Sacramento City College Library website and enter your keywords into OneSearch.


2. If you want scholarly journal articles (also known as peer reviewed articles), select Scholarly Journals. Then click Apply Filters.


3. If you want any type of article, select Articles. Then click Apply Filters.


4. Click the title of an article that might work for your research needs.


5. Click on a database to retrieve the article. You also can press the Cite button to retrieve an MLA citation for your works cited, and the Show Permalink option gives you a URL/Website link you can save on a Google Doc or Microsoft Word so you can get back to where you found the article in the OneSearch. 


6. Log in to your Los Rios student account.

Log in to your Los Rios student account.

7. Find the full-text article inside the database. As an FYI, we subscribe to a number of different databases. You may work with a different platform when you open up a database to retrieve the article. Most databases provide full-text access and citation tools. Once inside a particular database, use their help screen to figure out how to use a certain feature.

About Peer Review