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ENGWR 108 (Spangler)

ENGWR 108 (Spangler)


Problem/Solution Research Project: Writing Assignments 4, 5 and 6

Problem/Solution Research Project: Writing Assignments 4, 5 and 6

Due Dates:

WA 4 Research Proposal

Sunday, April 10                      

List of 3 sources

Sunday, April 17

Mini-annotated Bib (3 sources)

Wednesday, April 20

WA 5 Annotated Bibliography (8 sources)

Sunday, April 24

WA 6 Outline due

Wednesday, April 27

WA 6 Draft #1 (4 pages)

Sunday, May 1

WA 6 Draft # 2 peer review (8 pages)

Wednesday, May 4

WA 6 Final Draft

Sunday, May 8

Your project: Identify a meaningful problem faced by people in your community, investigate the background and causes of the problem, and learn about potential solutions in order to advocate for the best solution. For the purpose of this project, you are free to interpret “your community” in any way you like. For example, you might choose to research a problem faced by students in our campus community (Sac City specifically, or community college generally), your geographic community (our city or your neighborhood), or your cultural community (religious community, Chicanx, etc.). This project encompasses the final three writing assignments this semester.

Writing Assignment 4:  Research Proposal (see separate sheet)

Writing Assignment 5: Annotated Bibliography

What is an annotated bibliography? It is a list of sources (looks like a Works Cited) that you may use and a short paragraph that discusses the source. Your annotated bibliography should be at least 8 sources, with accurate MLA citation and a 1-2 paragraph summary/analysis for each source. We use the term “annotated” to mean that the Works Cited has a paragraph included. It doesn’t mean the annotations on the article itself. Samples will be posted on Canvas.

Annotated Bibliography Minimum Standards for Complete:

  • Accurately formatted
  • Include at least 8 sources
  • At least 1 of the sources need to be peer reviewed, scholarly sources found through the library website. Other sources should be credible as well but don’t need to be from peer reviewed journals. Websites are accepted on a case-by-case basis and should be cleared with instructor before including in your assignment(s).
    • You need to find a variety of sources. They should not all be from scholarly journals, just as they should not all be from newspapers.
  • Each source has a well developed paragraph that includes both summary (what the article is about) and analysis (your opinion & how you’ll use it in your essay & analyzing its credibility)
  • Works Cited entries are formatted correctly according to MLA.
  • Your annotated bibliography must contain at least 8 entries.

Writing Assignment 6: Persuasive, Research-based Essay

In this writing assignment, you will write an essay in which you propose a solution to the problem you chose to research. You must first demonstrate that you understand the scope of the problem. Then, you might discuss what is already being done (if anything) and why it hasn’t solved the problem. You might evaluate solutions that have been proposed but not enacted. Most important,

This research paper should be approximately 8-10 pages and include most or all of the following key components:

  • Identification of the scope of the problem (who or what is effected, how and why)
  • Analysis of other proposed solutions to the problem
  • Arguments against or objections to those proposed solutions
  • Your solution (the “best” solution), and how/why it should be implemented; acknowledgement and refutation of the arguments against your solution

Your essay will explore two parts: first, the ‘problem’ and second, the ‘solution.’

First you will research and write about the ‘problem.’ You must first demonstrate that you understand the scope of the problem. Then, you might discuss what is already being done (if anything) and why it hasn’t solved the problem. You might evaluate solutions that have been proposed but not enacted.

Second, you will propose a remedy or plan that will eliminate or reduce the problem – this can be one you found in your research or developed yourself. Using logical reasoning and evidence from high-quality sources, your goal is to persuade your reader that your proposal is feasible, and that it is better than alternative solutions. A strong proposal will anticipate and respond to objections the addressee might have and specifically explain how the solution should be implemented.

Minimum standards for “Complete” are:

  • Your essay should be 8-10 pages, 12pt TNR font and double-spaced.  You must have a minimum of 2000 words.
  • Correct and appropriate MLA in-text citations and Works Cited page (not included in word count).
  • References to at least six different sources, one of which is from scholarly journals and peer reviewed. The rest of the sources should be credible, but do not need to be from scholarly/academic journals. Use direct quotes and paraphrases where appropriate. A balance of both is good.
  • A clear, nuanced understanding of the problem and thoughtful, creative solutions.
  • Follow the format of a problem / solution essay.
  • Include a counterargument/refutation.
  • Meet all other aspects of the minimum standards rubric.