Nutrition professor Jessica Coppola has teamed up with colleagues at Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaiso (PUCV for Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso) to create opportunities for students to collaborate with international counterparts on nutrition-related projects and learn about each other's cultures.
This guide is separated into two sections (check the menu to the left ←):
- a page for students from California to learn about food culture in Chile
- for students from Chile to learn about food culture from California
Let's ask critical questions, like: Why compare a state to a country? Here are a few reasons:
- Chile and California have similar physical geography. They are both on the Pacific Ocean and have a coastal mountain range.
- Chile (~pop 20 million) has approximately half the population of California (~pop 40 million).
- They both start with the letter C!
There might be more sections added to this guide, like a possible third section where your assignments would be posted.