Historical research is one of the topic areas where it can be better to also use specific databases, rather than only using the OneSearch.
The following SCC Library databases are particularly useful for research on historical topics.
Background information from general and subject encyclopedias.
Scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, education and other fields.
One of the benefits of using library databases over Google for your research is that most of the databases will help you with citation. Look for a cite option in the different databases you use from the SCC library.
However, there are often errors in citations that are generated by the databases so don't copy and paste them directly into your research paper. Make sure to compare them against one of the style guides for appropriate formatting.
Here is an example of how to find articles from American History & Life. Ignore the last part that is specific to the University of Georgia Library. At SCC, look for the view full-text option to open the article once you have found relevant results.