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Films on Demand

Films on Demand

Accounts, Playlists, Favorites and Custom Clips

Create an Account

In order to use the features described on this page, you must first create a free account. Follow these steps:

  1. Click "Your Profile" in the upper task bar
  2. Click "Sign up" to create a new account
  3. Enter your name, username, email address, and create a password
  4. Select content areas to be notified about when new videos are added to the database
  5. Click "Create Account"

Films on Demand account log in

Films on Demand Account registration

Creating a Playlist

You can create a playlist of segments, full-length videos, or more and share them with other Los Rios users. In order to use this feature you must have a Films on Demand account (see instructions above). Follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Add to" link under the video
  2. Select "Playlist" so that it is underlined in red
  3. Click "Add Full Title" to add the entire video, "Add All Segments" to add each individual segments, or choose the segments you prefer.
  4. If you've already named your playlist, select it from the dropdown menu and click "Add to Playlist." If not, name it and click "New Playlist."

Note: A playlist will automatically populate in a folder. Both are located in the "My Content" section of your account.

Films on Demand Add to link

Films on demand Playlist


Creating Favorites

You can create folders of favorite segments, full-length videos, or both. In order to use this feature you must have a Films on Demand account (see instructions above).

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Add to" link under the video
  2. Select "Favorites" so that it is underlined in red
  3. If you've already named your folder, select it from the dropdown menu and click "Add to Folder." If not, name it and click "New Folder."

Note: You can share your Favorites and Playlists from the "My Films" section of your account.

Films on Demand add to linkFilms on Demand favorites


Creating Custom Clips

You can create custom clips to be added to playlists, favorites, and shared with with other Los Rios users or an entire class. In order to use this feature you must have a Films on Demand account (see instructions above) and disable the proxy on your library's databases page. To do this:

  1. Go to the library's databases page where you access Films on Demand. In the lower right, disable the proxy by clicking Remove proxy (for troubleshooting access problems).
  2. In the General section, click the link to the Films on Demand database
  3. Log in using your Films on Demand credentials

Films on demand remove proxy