To locate articles through the Sacramento City College Library:
- Go to the Sacramento City College Library website and enter your keywords into OneSearch. Then click on 'Search.'

- If you want scholarly journal articles (also known as peer reviewed articles), select Peer-Reviewed Journals. Then click Apply Filters.

- You can also limit your search results to Magazine Articles or Newspaper Articles.. Then click Apply Filters.

- Click the title of an article that might work for your research needs.

- Log in to your Los Rios student account.

- Click on database to retrieve the article.

- Find the full-text article inside the database. As an FYI, we subscribe to a number of different databases. When you open up a database to retrieve the article, you may end up working with a different platform. Most databases provide full-text access and citation tools. Once you are inside a particular database, use their help screen to figure out how to use a certain feature.