The assignment for this class relates to social movements of the 20th and 21st Centuries.
Wikipedia has an an extensive List of Social Movements.
Caution: You should not use Wikipedia as a source for your paper because you can't adequately judge the authority of the content. However, it is a good place to begin your research project and find the vocabulary and other basic information you need to search for almost any topic.
In-depth reports on current social and political issues.
Ebooks on social sciences, information technology, the humanities, business, economics, and more.
Documentaries in the humanities, history, health, technical education, archival films, and much more. View expiring titles
Background information from general and subject encyclopedias.
Scholarly journals, ebooks, abstracts, patents and legal research from academic, nonprofit and government sources. Use the Los Rios Full Text link for library-provided content.
Scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, education and other fields.
Viewpoint articles on current social issues and controversial topics.