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Dreamers Research Guide

Dreamers Research Guide

Campus Resources

At a Glance

This information was distributed from the Faculty Union and Senate.

  • First, students should stay enrolled in school and if applicable, continue their employment.  Although it was announced that DACA will be rescinded, it will not been implemented until March 6, 2018.  There will be a six-month period where Congress can enact new legislation to restore much of DACA.  Call your Senator and Congressional representatives and urge them to propose and enact legislation that restores the Dream Act (DACA).  The U.S. Capitol switchboard is (202) 224-3121.
  • The Los Rios DACA Rapid Response Team is collecting a list of resources for faculty and students here:  If you wish to add a resource to the current list, please send to or  LRCFT will work with the district to determine how to best meet the needs of not only our DACA students, but all Los Rios immigrant students.  Please look for LRCFT announcements and workshops. 
  • The Los Rios Police Department wants to ensure the safety of our students and college visitors.  Their interest is to contribute to the college and district mission.  They do not enforce immigration laws.  The district does not have a list of DACA students.  LRCFT and DAS are working with the district office to create a clear policy for faculty. 
  • Remind DACA students to avoid travel outside the USA.  This is an uncertain time. 

Sacramento City College Information

Los Rios Community College District Information